McGarrah Technical Blog

Wildcard SSL Certificates

I’m beginning to setup enough infrastructure that a wildcard certificate would be nice but I’m uninterested in paying several hundred dollars a year for that certificate. The free certs that used to be around just are not there anymore so far as I can see. My goal is to setup SSL certificates for both my email server and all the virtual host web sites I’m hosting under my domain for less than a hundred dollars a year.

Skype 7.0 Upgrade UI Annoyance

Okay, full disclosure, I hate change or at least useless change. Skip over the rant to the HowTo fix Skype if you want.

Doctor of Applied Psuedoscience

I found a fun little website to make fake diplomas. This struck my funny bone.

Doctorate in Smartass

I hung it in my office next to my Bachelors degree in Computer Science and waited for someone to read it. It is the gift that keeps on giving.

Mininet network simulator

I’m taking a graduate course in computer networking at Georgia Tech. The tools they are asking us to use are all open source and allow for some pretty interesting projects.

One such tool is the Mininet software that allows for building realistic virtual networks with real switches, routers and applications running on a single system. We are using a virtual machine that contains a copy of the Linux operating system and the virtual networking software. So far we are encountering minor issues with the OS and VM software.
