McGarrah Technical Blog

More WordPress plugins

Some addition research into WP plugins have a couple more worth reviewing.

VMware ESXi toolchain build

I’ve been back to the toolchain for ESXi again and had some success.

I was really getting frustrated with my lack of success in building the VMware ESXi 5.5 toolchain and compilers. It was a multi-week effort and I’m usually able to get something like that working eventually. I took a couple of month break from it while I worked on some other things including this website(WordPress) and my email servers. This gave me some perspective.

WordPress Plugins

Researching plugins and extensions for WordPress has been an experience.

First Post

I’m transferring all my technical writing and projects to this website. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a lot of technical content and wanted to centralize it.

If you are looking for the old DarkMagic repositories, those will start getting imported as I pull them from tape. If you are looking for work on embedded ARM systems, those will get moved over as I can get time. My work on native VMware ESXi software development will show up as I get it in shape for others to use it. The work on open source software will get documented here to include at least Eucalyptus, MXE and SmarterApp.

Lastly, I’ll probably document my work in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning here as I take course work and learn more.
