McGarrah Technical Blog

LetsEncrypt Certificates go live

I’m live with the Lets Encrypt certificates for the website. This has been awhile in the making and I’m kind of excited. I’m on a legacy environment with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS so part of the process is manual but certificate update just happens nicely. Updating the Apache config files has a little bit of effort but nothing too bad.

Yeah! Big step ahead for HTTPS at the McGarrah household.

Next stop is to get my mail server working with these certificates. I’m reading on it now and sounds like it might be workable as well. That will get my Gmail account working with my local email server again.

And a small update… I now have my email servers fully onboard with TLS using the Lets Encrypt certificates. is now happily encrypted with real certificates instead of self-signed.

This was so much less painful than when I setup this entire thing years ago.

Speaking of which, I’ll have to start looking at upgrading my linux boxes in the near future.