I found something fun.
The Seagate NAS (Network Attached Storage) that I’ve been using at my house is running an embedded Linux. A NAS is a big network hard drive you can share between computers. I got a root account on it and have found a whole world of fun that could be done in there. Root is the master administrative account for UNIX systems that let you do extra things beyond the normal.
First steps is getting a functional toolchain and then build some trivial tools. The goal would be to have a full set of GNU tools available in a package format for people to use. I want to publish a full working OpenSSH with scp support and rsync for this thing as a starting point. Maybe add some features for NFS. Just digging around on this thing reminded me how much I enjoy hacking on hardware.
NC State University - Computer Science
Senior Design Project
“Senior Design: NetApp iSCSI with RDMA/TOE” (Fall 2010 Capstone Project)
Aug 2010 - Dec 2010
Summary: Develop a methodology for 10Gbps iSCSI that utilized RDMA and TOE to reduce primary CPU and memory usage. Document and managed the project as a team leader. The resulting iSER implementation was utilized in a related NetApp Phd project at the University of Bangalore India.
Doing a presentation on NIST 800-53, IRS Publication 1075, ISO/IEC 17799, and how it relates to the NIST CWE (common weakness enumeration) at the IRS.
The basis is a comparison of the FTC Safeguards versus IRS Safeguards requirements.
Dear god am I boring when this excites me as much as it does.
Ran into a goofy problem with my Motorola Droid after it just working great for the last few months. The GPS just decided to stop connecting one day. This is major bad news as the turn-by-turn navigation is a really nice feature I use a lot.
Of course I had not done anything before it stopped working …. except add Google Latitude with cell tower location, uninstall the WeatherChannel application, and installed the Weatherbug application.
Dug into the forums and found something on Weatherbug and pulling the battery on restart. Finally figured out it was probably the “Fix for GPS bug” option in Weatherbug. Testing it and posted it back to the Google Help.