Nothing to see here
This blog has been neglected quite a bit so I’ll catch you up on what I’ve been doing in the last several years. I worked several interesting places including the NC Department of Revenue for five years. Before that I worked for a couple of places that are less memorable. I finished up ten years of state government service and left the public sector for private.
My sister-in-law lived with us for awhile with my niece and nephew while my brother divorced her. That made for some drama but the kids are doing well and life moves on. I’m back to talking to my parents less again. The less said the better.
I have recently been posting to another blog of mine called “Something Completely Different” that talks about my technology hobbies. The Seagate BlackArmor NAS is favored heavily in the last several months and some Android programming stuff.
In my regular life, we are in the middle of a major renovation/addition to our house. A first floor master bedroom, master bath, sun room and garage with bonus room are coming together. Living in the house as the work happens has been a challenge on occasions. Part of doing the renovation included doing all the phone and network wiring myself so I’ve probably over done the cabling.
I got a job at SAS Institute about six months ago working for their OnDemand Validated Hosting group. I’m liking it quite a bit and learning lots of things in lots of different areas of technology. The above renovation was partly due to my proximity to my job being biking distance. My commute is really nice and I’m looking forward to walking it when I get in better shape.
Those are some highlights. I’ve completely skipped talking about the kids and my amazing wife as those would take a whole post each.