This is an out of place post but I figured if setting up Touch ID with sudo
on my MacBook Pro stumped me that it would cause others issues and worth a quick write up. Also worth having around when I get a new MacBook Pro in the future.
So to start, I use a MacBook Pro M2 Pro for my daily driver machine at work. It is the closest I can get to a Linux machine in the office. I end up using sudo
frequently enough that I liked the idea of Touch ID rather than type a password in a dialog. I encountered a couple of hiccups along the way with tmux
, iTerm2 and DisplayLink that had to be fixed.
How to setup
I am copying the intent from both the sixcolors and Stackoverflow posts for the MacOS Sonoma. So read those posts below for more details.
cd /etc/pam.d
sed "s/^#auth/auth/" /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template | sudo tee /etc/pam.d/sudo_local
How to test and drop the cached permissions. The -k
resets the sudo
permissions so you are prompted for your authorization again.
You should see the Touch ID then you are set.

If you see this dialog with only a Password option then check below for more things you can do.

If you are using DisplayLink then you will need to enable permissions or you will not see the Touch ID option.
defaults write ignoreArd -bool TRUE
If you are using tmux
then you need to add pam_reattach for sessions to automatically work. The is excellent. Using brew
and the Apple M1 or M2 requires some additional steps they mention.
brew install pam-reattach
Touch ID on Mac in iTerm has some configuration settings that you will need to change.
iTerm2 -> Preferences -> Advanced -> (Goto the Session heading) -> Allow sessions and change from “Yes” to “No”.

The excellent posts from sixcolors by Dan Moren
Touch ID on Mac in iTerm had useful information needed.