My past write up for a Backlog of Posts had all the things that I wanted to write about in mid-2024. It has been updated with links to the released posts that covered each as I finished up in 2024. I got a lot of them written but the backlog of drafts and things I wanted to write about also grew as I picked off drafts and added new posts.
Here is a list of my unpublished draft posts that need time and polishing to release:
- Before June 2024
- Learning Jekyll
- Site to Site VPN for the Homelabs
- Link Aggregated (LAG) and LACP NIC Bonding
- PiKVM v3 and AIMOS 8-port KVM Setup (hacking the webui)
- After June 2024
- Proxmox 8.x SDN with and without OpenWRT
- Name Service Registrars (DNS) Reviews (after Google Domains shutdown)
- Chocolatey Packaging (for easyWSL)
- Oh My Zshell on WSL (to keep consistent with MacOS)
- Contribute a set of features upstream as PRs back to the Jekyll Template I used
- Discuss eMMC vs regular storage for Debian/Proxmox
- Ceph Nearfull issues and challenges
- Ceph performance lessons learned
- Ceph moving physical disks (OSD migration)
- Lessons in Debian/Proxmox ZFS boot mirror recovery
- Proxmox misc useful scripts
- Kubernetes on Proxmox with IaC (ansible/terraform)
- Hosting for Hobbiest (free tiers)
- Multiple Jekyll feature updates
- Adding interactive commenting system to GHP Jekyll
- Borken Linux Root Boot failure amd recovery
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) learning
- Portfolio Project: Fullstack Quick Quiz WebApp
- Portfolio Project: Terraform for AWS QuickSight
- Portfolio Project: Terraform for Serverless URL Redirector
I have learned a lot of lessons along the way building this website and my online resume. Jekyll on the Github Pages with Github Workflows come to mind immediately as things I want to write about to figure out what I have learned. Those are really powerful tool combinations for your tool box. Along the way, I had ideas I want to explore further and often drop a draft post that I keep my notes and thoughts at the time so I can revisit it as I have time later. I’ve collected a number of those in the backlog.
The Dell Wyse 3040 Tailscale nodes in my network alleviated the immediate need I had for the site-2-site VPN using Wireguard. I’d like to have a redundant connection setup for my networks using my other Wireguard hardware but those are also backlogged.
I did get the article out on the HP ProCurve 2800 WebUI, but still have not upgrade my primary network to them or the Wifi 6e wireless units. The value to time invested is there but time is a limited resource. Those will end up being a weekend project that just happens when I catch my breath.
I still don’t have my media service up and running. Those will generate a lot of posts once I get that rolling.
Many of these are just projects that are stalled with my limited time that I can invest. Some of just abandoned as I find something new that catches my interest. A few are blocking getting cool stuff that I want to do. I doubt this list will get shorter anytime soon but hopefully, I get more posts out as I finish up some of these.
Looking back at what I got done and what I have in the backlog is helpful to me personally.