Hello, my name is Michael McGarrah and I am a technologist at heart. This is my hobby and personal website combination.
My LinkedIn page cover my professional career. For insanely detailed version of my resume, you can go here. I have been fortunate by having very diverse professional experiences. I attended both NC State University for my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and later the Georgia Institution of Technology for my Masters of Science in Computer Science with a focus in Interactive Intelligence the new name for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. My research areas included perception systems, natural language processing, and computer vision using Machine Learning.
I am primarily working in Cloud Architecture for enterprise infrastructure with a mixture of Machine Learning or other domain expertise I have picked up over the years. I’m a jack of all trades and master of some. Part of what makes jobs interesting to me is gathering up domain expertise in lots of areas.
On the personal side, I am married with two great kids. We recently have the addition of a grandson who keeps us on the move. My wife is also in computing as a programmer and database analyst. She is wonderful and keeps me both sane and grounded. My son is a Computer Science major and daughter is an Industrial Engineer in the aerospace industry. We are a technical family. Computers vastly outnumber people in our households.
I have two brothers, one of whom was a computer professional and worked for a major logistics distribution company. My other brother is in the medical profession for the military. My father is a retired Lt. Colonel in the United States Army and mom is a home maker.
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